1.相守(Together Forever) 5:01
2.挥剑问苍天(Sword Swung to Beseech the Heavens) 5:32
3.剑指苍天(Heavenward Sword) 4:00
4.人间如梦(Dreamlike World) 4:36
5.相思何遣(Lovesickness) 3:08
6.相守·竹韵(Together Forever (Bamboo Tune) 2:04
7.暗香疏影(Plum of Elegance) 2:17
8.苍梧疏云(Upstanding Pine in Scattered Clouds) 2:41
9.雪芳草(Fragrant Snowy Verdure) 1:55
10.乐浮游(Roving Amidst Prosperity) 2:37
11飘零叶(Tumbling Leaf) 2:47
12.神垣万里(Empyrean Oversight) 2:18
13.子夜谣(Midnight Ballad)2:49
14.玄威重(Might Overwhelming)2:01
15.寸草春晖(Kindred Affection)1:53
16.山雀儿(Jubilant Excursion)1:58
17.疑窦起(Arising Suspicion)2:16
18.踏天路(Elysian Path)2:11
19.笑语歌(Joyous Merriment)2:07
20阽危侵(Pervasive Peril)2:06
21.如坠魇梦(Fallen into Nightmare)1:39
22.人月圆(Exquisite Moments)3:02
23.静夜思(Thoughts on a Peaceful Night)3:03
24.久长时(May We Preserve)3:05
25.运筹帷幄(Panning and Deductions)2:03
26.雾中身(Enshrouded in Mist)2:05
27.阴云暗寂(Insidious Conspiracy)2:04
28.摄魂魄(Captivating Melody)1:11
29.念春晖(Filial Bonds)1:32
30.逸仙曲(Immortal Transcendance)2:19
31.天涯路(Path at the Edge of the Sky)2:27
32.终曲余韵(Lingering Postlude)2:48
33闲时趣(Time to Respite)1:59
34.和光吹絮(Swaying Willows in Gentle Sunlight)3:24
35.清露沉烟(Dew and Incense)3:24
36.景星庆云(Clouds of Auspice)2:48
37.霞裾云佩(Celestial Grace)2:11
38.镇北荒(Administrate the North)1:53
39.众庆歌(Celebration of the Commonfolk)2:32
40.巫行林岫(Mystics among Forests and Caves)1:50
41.孤道(Lonesome Road)2:00
42.灾冲袭(Calamitous Onslaught)2:44
43.叛神危(Threat of the Rebel God)2:33
44.盘螭势(Prowess of the Coiled Dragon)3:32
45.凌风唤雪(Calling Forth Wind and Snow)2:36
46.疾袭(Rapid Offensive)2:50
47.燃星坠(Blazing Fallen Star)3:03
48.燃星坠-变调(Blazing Fallen Star (Variation)3:03
49.雷填雨冥(Thunder Rumbles as Rain Pours)2:05
50.慰灵悲(To Sooth a Woeful Soul)2:04
51.聆古守今(Eternal Observer)2:07
52.刺刃寒(Keen Adversity)3:32
53.罪愆神罚(Ultimate Reckoning)3:46
54.凶祸九焱(Jiuying, the Catastrophe)2:43
55.剑荡世危(Wielding Swords for Salvation)5:01
56.止戈(An End to Conflicts)2:48
57.危一瞬(Precarious Instant)2:08
58.浮光跃金(Golden Lunar Reflection)2:23
59.飞花令(Poem of Drunken Petals)2:20
60.御剑降妖(Subduing Monsters with Sword in Hand)2:27
61.迅雷甚雨(Swift as a Storm)2:10
62.幽林独(Sojourn into Secluded Forest)2:42
63.雪岫晴空(Snowy Peaks and Clear Skies)1:58
64.踏冰飞霜(Treading through Frost)1:58
65.兴兵戈(Army Mobilized)2:11
66.庭渐芜(Desolated Homeland)2:08
67.晦雾乱花(Colorful Bloom in Dense Fog)2:09
68.寂谧森语(Silent Forest Murmurs)2:00
69.潆洄流彩(Dazzling Swirls)2:00
70.海天阔处(Vast Ocean and Boundless Sky)2:04
71.静怡海(Serene Waters)1:30
72.静火伏(Flowing Flames)2:20
73.兵戈炎火(Inferno Armaments)2:20
74.孤域穷漠(Desert Wastes)2:23
75.宙宇天光(Cosmic Radiance)2:57
77.寻闲趣(Seeking Leisure)1:22
78.机关-竹竿舞(Bamboo Pole Dance)1:02